Wednesday, June 2, 2021

first critical review of The Babysitter...

I just noticed I have another review on Goodreads... a two-star one. I was initially put off by the criticism but then I was like, Well, I don't disagree necessarily. The problem with the first book is that I was writing it for 16 years, starting when I was a teenager. So I agree that parts of it are clunky... although, the reviewer said tedious. Hmm. I wonder if it would be worth it to go back and tighten it up a little... more so than I already have, I mean. I've been correcting typos and occasionally deleting unnecessary sentences (for the last 7 years, because I can't just leave it alone), and then re-publishing (and then if you bought the Kindle edition you could Update it through your Amazon account. I hope people really do that instead of sitting around with a "wrong" book they don't like.) Maybe it would help to delete the first-person narration from Piper's point of view... SVT had something like that in The Frightening Four (it was third person, but from the villain's point of view). I found it super annoying. But, I wasn't really invested in Eva Sullivan as a character... I mean, she wanted to kill the twins, so she had that going for her. But her backstory was stupid and didn't make sense.

I wonder if the meta stuff was what got tedious... I just wanted to show off my encyclopedic knowledge of SVT. I always hated it when something happened in SVT that was similar to a previous book but didn't reference that book, like they pretended it never happened. I guess that was because their sixth-grade year went on forever, repeating various holidays.

Then she says, it's not terrible but it's not brilliantly written either. Does it need to be brilliant, to be an SVT parody? SVT was really inane at times. But yeah, I guess it does need to be brilliant to be worth your time. (I am the same way with books--there are so many I want to read and I don't have enough time to get to all of them so a book has to be really good  to keep my interest.) I remember reading a Harry Potter parody in the early 00s that I thought was tedious. I was like, does this need to exist? It was in the book store and everything, like some publisher said, "Let's cash in on this trend even if it sucks." SVT took up so much of my time as a kid/ adolescent, I'm getting my "revenge" by writing these books. My therapist says I'm working through some stuff, by doing this. LOL. I am, but I'm also writing these because they're "easy" and because in my mind, if they're parodies of SVT, the stakes aren't as high as if I was writing original content. (I am writing original content, I just don't think it's any good, and I don't have a whole book to publish at this point).

As for being too long, yeah, my other books are shorter and I hope that reviewer will try one (and find it to be better written!) The Kindle editions are pretty cheap, though. I guess as a reader I'm more inclined to buy a Kindle book (from an author I haven't read yet) if it's $0.99. But I don't think $2.99 is terribly expensive. I've wasted much money than that in my life on stupid things.

I'm still working on the latest book. I reached the point where it was a hot mess and didn't seem salvageable. But then I went back and planned out my plot a little and re-read some stuff that I had written that I liked, so... whatever.

Anyway, if anyone else read The Babysitter and liked it (or even if you didn't), could you leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads? Or just a rating. It's nifty to see people reading my books, and I appreciate the feedback. 

ETA: this review actually gives me an idea to revamp The Babysitter. I was going to release a "special edition" at some point with bonus content, which included the gallery of character images I made on ArtBreeder. The plot of the first book was always kind of convoluted, because Piper turns into a demon at one point. Since the summary says "the babysitter is a witch," that's like, "Well, that escalated quickly." Then there was unnecessary world-building/ rules of magic. SVT does have magic, as illustrated by several books where one or both of the twins makes a wish and it comes true. But witches and demons are kind of a stretch. So it goes off the rails a little and then returns to its parody origins at the end. I could take out the demon parts and re-publish, still with the gallery of characters. And make it $0.99 so if you already bought the book it would be discounted/ you wouldn't be buying it again at full price, but if you were reading the shorter version and liked it, you could then buy the "expanded world" version. 

Or maybe no one cares. I'll probably do this anyway since I am mostly publishing these books for myself and if anyone else likes them, that's an added bonus.

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