You'd think, with the Super Blue Blood Moon coming up tonight/ tomorrow (even tho we won't be able to see it from the US), this would be the appropriate time to publish/ promote Book 4, The Vampires Part 1: Blood Moon. In which Jessica gets a crush on an eighth grade boy who is actually a vampire. And Piper is a new student at Saccharin Valley Middle School, yet again but under a different name, and Tobias runs a Halloween costume store reminiscent of the one in Buffy Season Two. Also there's a creepy old house, because there's always a creepy old house. I stole the "Old Luna Place" (hence the Blood Moon) from Super Chiller #9 and instead made another character live there. Who is aNOTHER vampire, pretending to be an author. Whom Elizabeth interviews for the Sixers, because of course she does. Instead of turning evil from wearing a mask she got from a dog's mouth, in this book Elizabeth has to go rescue Jessica because Jessica has gotten herself turned into a vampire. That's actually at the end of Part 1. Book 5 is Part 2.
Anyway, I didn't plan properly (the book is finished, but I'm still not happy with the cover picture) and I don't care because I'm too depressed. So, very likely I am not going to do that, but instead I am going to shut all this shit down. Delete this blog, delete my other blog, delete my books from Kindle Direct Publishing, and my account with them. Sorry, handful of people who allegedly read and/or liked (or people who hated them but didn't say anything) my books. I mean, you will still have them on your respective Kindles, probably.
Also I can do this at home now that I have internet service at my apartment, but I'm doing it at work because I'm a terrible person.